D-Link DSL 500G için ayarları

10- Şimdi internet explorer ı açın ve http://modeminizin internal IP nosunu yazın (not almıştınız)


11- Size user name ve password soracak değiştirmediyseniz her ikisininde default değeri admin dir yazın OK deyin Aşağıdaki menu çıkacak.


12- Önce "services" sonrada "NAT" ı yıklayın


13- Sayfanın ortasındaki "NAT Options" açılır menusünde "NAT Rule Entry" seçin.

14- Sayfanın altındaki "Add" butonuna basın

15-Aşağıdaki ayarları yazın (siz yerine veya daha önce yazdığınız bilgisayarınızın IP nosunu yazın ve aşağıda 4661 yazan yere 4662 yazın)

Submit deyin sonra Rule entry e tekrar girin ve Rule ID yi bir artırın, aynı şeyleriTCP yerine UDP ve 4662 yarine 4672 yazarak tekrarlayın.

Ekranın solunda admin dropdown menüsünden "Commit and Reboot" seçin ve save edin. sonra reboot. (Erhan'ın katkılarına teşekkür ediyoruz ;))

Simdi çikip emuleye tekrar girin yüksek ID aldiniz demektir.



Step 1:
To setup port forwarding on this router your computer needs to have a static ip address. Take a look at our Static IP Address guide to setup a static ip address.

Step 2:
Open a web browser like internet explorer or Netscape.

Enter the ip address of your router in the address bar of your browser. In the picture above the address bar has http://www.google.com in it. Just replace all of that with the ip address of your router. By default the ip address should be set to

Step 3:
You should now be prompted for a username and password. Go ahead and enter the username and password, to get into your router. By default the username is admin and the password is also admin . Once you have logged in you should see the following menu.

Step 4:
Click the plus sign in front of Services on the left hand side of your screen. Go ahead and click Nat that dropped down under services.

Step 5:
In the middle of this page you will see a NAT Options drop down box. Click the down arrow and select NAT Rule Entry .

Step 6:
At the bottom of the page click Add . You should now see another window.

Step 7:
This router only allows you to forward one port at a time.

The window you are looking at will most likely not look like the picture above. This window changes depending upon what is in the Rule Flavor drop down box. Go ahead and click the drop down arrow now. Select RDR from the list. Now your window should look something like the screenshot above. Enter a number in the Rule ID box. This number needs to be unique, so some number that was not listed on the services page. For port range/ranges information check the Ports list page or the software manufacture's homepage. Make sure All is selected in the IF Name box. Once again select the protocol type but this time in the Protocol box. If you are unsure of the protocol type just set both of the previous boxes to Any . I'm going to assume that you only want to forward these ports to one ip address. Go ahead and enter that local ip address in both the Local Address From and the Local Address To boxes. If you have mutiple external address you can enter a range of private addresses here. Then you would enter another range of the same size in the external ip address boxes. Well back to my assumption that you are only trying to forward one ip. Enter your external ip address in both the Global Address From and the Global Address To boxes. Your external ip address is . Enter the port you wish to forward into the Destination Port From , the Destination Port To , and the Local Port boxes.

Step 8:
Drop down Admin on the left hand side of your screen. Select Commit and Reboot that dropped down under admin. Use this page to save the settings in your router.
And that's it! You're done!